Direct Bookings for Siem Reap Itineraries and Trip Planning

Siem Reap Old Town. Siem Reap Itineraries. Copyright 2015 Terence Carter / Lara Dunston / Grantourismo. All Rights Reserved.

I’ve been offering bespoke itineraries and trip planning services for a while now, booked via Vayable, as well as arranged directly through me via Grantourismo. This all came about somewhat serendipitously in response to friends asking me to help plan their itineraries to include off-the-beaten-track spots and local experiences. After restaurateur and chef friends began requesting food-focused … Read more about Direct Bookings for Siem Reap Itineraries and Trip Planning

Where to next?

Well, we’re off again. And yet it seems like we’d only just arrived. After five taxing days of sleeping and eating in Barcelona, and before that seven grueling weeks working on a book in Mallorca, the last 12 semi-sedentary days in the UAE have sped by. It’s been busy. We had a few days of … Read more about Where to next?

Itineraries: a case study in how not to create them, OR how to have a bad time in 24 hours

There is an art to creating itineraries that are inspirational (the kind travellers want to rip out of magazines and print off the web to save for a trip) and useful (one travellers can follow and have a great time or pick and choose from and still have fun). It’s not rocket science. So I’m … Read more about Itineraries: a case study in how not to create them, OR how to have a bad time in 24 hours