Envying a donkey his pace – the frenetic tempo of travel writing, part 1

Our recent trip around the Middle East (see this post) wasn’t meant to be that kind of trip. There was no guidebook to write. No insane photography commission for Terence to undertake. Just lots of stories and hotel reviews to research and a couple of meetings about a book we’re developing. However, somehow a trip … Read more about Envying a donkey his pace – the frenetic tempo of travel writing, part 1

Where to next?

Well, we’re off again. And yet it seems like we’d only just arrived. After five taxing days of sleeping and eating in Barcelona, and before that seven grueling weeks working on a book in Mallorca, the last 12 semi-sedentary days in the UAE have sped by. It’s been busy. We had a few days of … Read more about Where to next?